Endorse the Charter

The Charter has a global network of experts, public officials and civil society organisations who are working to open up data to deliver results. Civil society and other organisations play a key role in assisting adopting governments with the implementation of the Charter’s shared set of principles including by:

  1. Serving as a pool of technical expertise from which adopting governments can reach out for guidance regarding data standards, open data measurement, data publication etc.
  2. Taking part in the work of the Charter’s Implementation (IWG) and Measurement & Accountability (MAWG) Working Groups. As Charter endorsers, organisations have the opportunity to either join one or both of the Working Groups. The MAWG serves as a unique space for all those interested in assessing open data policy, publication, use and outcomes; while the IWG provide opportunities for organisations to support adopting governments, share best practice and shape resources aimed at helping governments and organisations become open by default.

Organizations who are not governmental or intergovernmental (such as NGOs, companies, professional organizations, etc.) who wish to endorse the Charter may do so by sharing the following information as outlined in the steps below.

  1. A brief statement endorsing the Open Data Charter and activities that your organization will undertake to promote the Charter.
  2. Identify a key individual within the organization to act as the main point of contact for updates on the Charter: name, title, email address.
  3. Send this information as an attachment on the organization’s letterhead to info@opendatacharter.net.